Financial Prediction with Neuro-fuzzy Systems (bibtex)
by Rafał Scherer, Agata Pokropińska
An application of neuro-fuzzy systems to supporting trading decisions is presented. The system has the ability to use expert knowledge and to be fitted to the learning data by various machine learning techniques. The proposed approach uses the backpropagation algorithm to determine system parameters on the basis of several indices. Experiments were made on past data showing relatively good performance of the proposed approach.
Financial Prediction with Neuro-fuzzy Systems (Rafał Scherer, Agata Pokropińska), In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 5097, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Rafał Scherer and Agata Pokropińska},
  title = {Financial Prediction with Neuro-fuzzy Systems},
  journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {5097},
  pages = {1120-1126},
  abstract = {An application of neuro-fuzzy systems to supporting trading decisions
	is presented. The system has the ability to use expert knowledge
	and to be fitted to the learning data by various machine learning
	techniques. The proposed approach uses the backpropagation algorithm
	to determine system parameters on the basis of several indices. Experiments
	were made on past data showing relatively good performance of the
	proposed approach.},
  url = {}
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