From Ensemble of Fuzzy Classifiers to Single Fuzzy Rule Base Classifier (bibtex)
by Marcin Korytkowski, Leszek Rutkowski, Rafał Scherer
Neuro-fuzzy systems show very good performance and the knowledge comprised within their structure is easily interpretable. To further improve their accuracy they can be combined into ensembles. In the paper we combine specially modified Mamdani neuro-fuzzy systems into an AdaBoost ensemble. The proposed modification improves the interpretability of knowledge by allowing merging the subsystems rule bases into one knowledge base. Simulations on two benchmarks shows excellent performance of the modified neuro-fuzzy systems.
From Ensemble of Fuzzy Classifiers to Single Fuzzy Rule Base Classifier (Marcin Korytkowski, Leszek Rutkowski, Rafał Scherer), In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 5097, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Marcin Korytkowski and Leszek Rutkowski and Rafał Scherer},
  title = {From Ensemble of Fuzzy Classifiers to Single Fuzzy Rule Base Classifier},
  journal = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {5097},
  pages = {265-272},
  abstract = {Neuro-fuzzy systems show very good performance and the knowledge comprised
	within their structure is easily interpretable. To further improve
	their accuracy they can be combined into ensembles. In the paper
	we combine specially modified Mamdani neuro-fuzzy systems into an
	AdaBoost ensemble. The proposed modification improves the interpretability
	of knowledge by allowing merging the subsystems rule bases into one
	knowledge base. Simulations on two benchmarks shows excellent performance
	of the modified neuro-fuzzy systems.},
  url = {}
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