Supervised Transform Learning for Face Recognition (bibtex)
by Dimche Kostadinov, Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Sohrab Ferdowsi, Maurits Diephuis, Rafał Scherer
Supervised Transform Learning for Face Recognition (Dimche Kostadinov, Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Sohrab Ferdowsi, Maurits Diephuis, Rafał Scherer), Chapter in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (Leszek Rutkowski, Marcin Korytkowski, Rafal Scherer, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Jacek M. Zurada, eds.), Springer International Publishing, volume 9119, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
booktitle={Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Rutkowski, Leszek and Korytkowski, Marcin and Scherer, Rafal and Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard and Zadeh, Lotfi A. and Zurada, Jacek M.},
title={Supervised Transform Learning for Face Recognition},
publisher={Springer International Publishing},
keywords={Supervised sparsifying transform; Sparse representation; Dictionary learning; Face recognition},
author={Kostadinov, Dimche and Voloshynovskiy, Sviatoslav and Ferdowsi, Sohrab and Diephuis, Maurits and Scherer, Rafał},
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